Nintendo and Mario: The Psychedelic Symbolism Of Underground Reptilians And Mushrooms Granting Magick/Elemental Powers
MARIO, SEGA and NINTENDO The RED and BLUE PILL, GREEN PIPES, and STARGATES Mario enters the underworld via plumbing and the consumption of psychedelic mushrooms granting him magickal powers such as an Alice In Wonderland change in size. In his trip to the underworld he is aiming to save a Babylonian redheaded Royal Princess who has been abducted by humanoid reptilians perhaps as part of some gross breeding program as the film suggest as it's going extra hard trying to prophecy 9-11 and Trump's Presidency. Strange mythology, to say the least... Odd Switch of Identities: Mr. Video gives in to legal problems, switches his name to Mario “Mr.Video was planned as the character for all the games that Miyamato would work on. According to a widely circulated story, during localization of Donkey Kong for North American audiences, Nintendo of America’s warehouse landlord Mario Segale confronted its then-president Minoru Arakawa, demanding back rent. Following a heated argument...