
Level Design Gallery

Nintendo and Mario: The Psychedelic Symbolism Of Underground Reptilians And Mushrooms Granting Magick/Elemental Powers

  MARIO, SEGA and NINTENDO The RED and BLUE PILL, GREEN PIPES, and STARGATES     Mario enters the underworld via plumbing and the consumption of psychedelic mushrooms granting him magickal powers such as an Alice In Wonderland change in size. In his trip to the underworld he is aiming to save a Babylonian redheaded Royal Princess who has been abducted by humanoid reptilians perhaps as part of some gross breeding program as the film suggest as it's going extra hard trying to prophecy 9-11 and Trump's Presidency. Strange mythology, to say the least... Odd Switch of Identities: Mr. Video gives in to legal problems, switches his name to Mario “Mr.Video was planned as the character for all the games that Miyamato would work on. According to a widely circulated story, during localization of Donkey Kong for North American audiences, Nintendo of America’s warehouse landlord Mario Segale confronted its then-president Minoru Arakawa, demanding back rent. Following a heated argument...

33* The Killing of Kings, Grooming A Patsy, Searching for an already Suspicious Crook, (Who "Isn't A Threat". Wait. No he is, my bad, he is. ) Part 2 Conspiracy Language During JFK, and aspects, mere shattered pieces of a timeline puzzle

I was compiling some of the topics I wanted to discuss for a redefining of the concept of conspiracy theory, to allow for the predominant number of truths at one time, once labeled nothing but conspiracy theorist, to flow until we have a factual understanding of so many of them. The public should be aware we’re living in the Truman Show with the X-Files inside and we tend to assume we live in Barbie, as that’s the predominant reality delusion. It’s interesting to note, right away for the sake of this work especially, the term was invented to do away with any free thinking and or nuanced views that were inconvenient for the blanket mental conditioning to understand simple facts: Oswald killed Kennedy. He was a real wacko communist. No other data is worth knowing ever, history says from now on, Oswald killed Kennedy. What about anti-Castro rebels, NASA and it’s Nazis, the Agency, Marilyn Monroe, La Cosa Nostra, New Orleans, strange Russian orthodox bishops, Oschner and Mary, the monkeys,...

Implanting The Cure

 I don't want to jump to conclusions, spread fear, and most of all I must avoid riding the emotional coat tails of those who see these ideas as anti-Christian or even an intimate part of some fundamentalist Christian conspiracy theory about the Mark Of The Beast and such. Outside the Christian crazy, I was always unable to find information on any of this outside a handful of companies admitting they implant chips and lately those countries who have allowed finance to start and end at the "mark" or a palm-pay type system. So these are just my very recent observations on the phenomenon. Will They Put a CHIP in the Coronavirus Vaccine? - C BC News When I was growing up there was a batch of old guys, authors, veterans, men who lectured on things the public was never supposed to learn about. Men who digged and digged courageously into their own past or the past of the institutions where these men once proudly held authority. The names won't be alien to you William Cooper, ...

Author Bio: Blog Explanation

   I wrote a book on alien abduction, was fortunate enough to collaborate in the Sync Book 2, I've written online on music, games, MILABs, aliens, the paranormal, psychology, military history, and other things, I've also written a comic book. I'm an artist in a few mediums and have also reviewed and now stream games, written on comic books, cartoons, counterculture, ritual magick, UFOs, etc... This is a blog about video games. Their history, discussion of particular titles, secrets in games, mythology and synchromysticism in games, games and UFO themes, etc...

Control, SCP, Beyond The Black Rainbow, Death Stranding, Stranger Things, Dark City, Truman Show, 23, They Live, Gamer

  SCP SCP is a fan fiction driven collection of paranormal beings kept contained for scientific study by the SCP Organiazation. A search for SCP on Youtube brings up hundreds of examples of beings and phenomenon which SCP has interacted. This matters to games because Control and Remnant, games released months apart, seem to be aware and use this for the backdrop of their own narrative, a narrative which already also seemed aware of Beyond The Black Rainbow, X-Files, X-Men, Silent Hill, the Montauk Project, etc... Beyond The Black Rainbow For years after the film's release I would check articles, videos, blogs, all of google to be direct, periodically knowing some film theorist or some sync wizard or esoteric this or that to write...well, anything(?) about the movie's rich setting and creepy unexplained happenings or symbolism or Cold War timing in relation to SRI and MK-Ultra, I mean I thought somebody would at least find what I did, with the Eleven, EL, Elena, and Christa fro...